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17 films in package
Crane Introduction
Crane Introduction
A young girl gets the opportunity to visit her father, who is in a psychiatric hospital for a serious mental illness.
Clubbing Introduction
Clubbing Introduction
A college freshman attends a club fair.
Meditations Between Us Introduction
Meditations Between Us Introduction
Meditations Between Us
Two lovers grapple with the challenges posed by schizophrenia on their relationship. One, ensnared by delusions, leaves the other behind.
All Meat Diet Introduction
All Meat Diet Introduction
A young man who turns to a collective of zealous fitness enthusiasts in pursuit of his "best self."
The Four Noble Truths Introduction
The Four Noble Truths Introduction
The Four Noble Truths
Exploring the relationship between religion and mental health, we see Maeta's journey with schizophrenia, sexuality and his loving family.
Screenless Introduction
Screenless Introduction
A woman goes about a typical day, and sees all of her online interactions realized around her.
Where is my thought now? Introduction
Where is my thought now? Introduction
Where is my thought now?
Sue, a solicitor turned artist, was diagnosed with schizophrenia two decades ago. She re-wilds a garden and discovers an affinity with plants.
Bonfire Introduction
Bonfire Introduction
Isaac weaves through various friends at a Bonfire night, wondering whether he should send pictures to the man on his phone.
Phoebe is a supermarket cashier who is the lone human in a world of plant people.
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Crane Introduction

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