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In the 70s and 80s Britain was rife with racial tension and police harassment particularly against black British youths. These youths were the rebel generation who were also searching for an identity. They created a music - a sub genre of reggae known as Lovers Rock. This music became a global brand through artists like UB40 and Maxi Priest. The music brought a level of intimacy between young people that was unique. It was also 'girl power' music that empowered a generation of young women. Through comedy, live performance, dance, interviews and archive the film takes you back to an untold era of British cultural, music and political history.

  • Year
  • Runtime
    97 minutes
  • Language
  • Director
    Menelik Shabazz
  • Cast
    Levi Roots, Janet Kay Baxter, Maxi Priest
  • Cinematographer
    Ian Watts
  • Editor
    Julian Sabath