23rd Annual Woodstock Film Festival

Truth to Power: Barbara Lee Speaks for Me

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Synopsis: "The laws and the rules of this country have stacked the deck against women and people of color and so we must become politically active to change the rules of the game and to fight for real systemic and institutional change." And so we meet one of the country’s most courageous U.S. congresswomen, Representative Barbara Lee of Oakland, CA. Jam-packed with notable activists and politicians, including Danny Glover, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Rep. John Lewis, and more, we follow Lee on her long fight for justice, moving through the system as a single mother on food stamps, her quest for an education, her time with the Black Panthers feeding the needy, to her role today as the only African American woman in leadership of the Democratic Caucus in the House. Lee made national news when she was the only member of Congress to vote against the authorization of use of force following the September 11 attacks. Looking at her life both before and after that historic vote, Lee’s credo – be yourself – is an inspiration to us all. This film will revive and recharge you to continue the fight against injustice in our nation.

– Sierra Slaughter

Director's Bio: Abby Ginzberg, a Peabody Award-winning director, has been producing compelling documentaries about race and social justice for over 30 years. Her films have won numerous awards and played at film festivals around the US and the world. She was the Consulting Producer on The Barber of Birmingham, which premiered at Sundance and was nominated for an Oscar in the Short Documentary category in 2012. Her film WAGING CHANGE (2019) has been on the festival circuit since its premiere at DOC NYC. SOFT VENGEANCE: ALBIE SACHS AND THE NEW SOUTH AFRICA won a 2015 Peabody Award and has screened at film festivals around the world, winning four audience awards.

Film Website: truthtopowermovie.com

  • Year
  • Runtime
    82 minutes
  • Language
  • Country
    United States
  • Premiere
    East Coast Premiere
  • Director
    Abby Ginzberg
  • Screenwriter
    Abby Ginzberg, Stephanie Mechura
  • Producer
    Abby Ginzberg, Shola Lynch
  • Executive Producer
    Jonathan Logan
  • Cast
    Barbara Lee, John Lewis, Alice Walker, Ayanna Pressley, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez
  • Cinematographer
    Vicente Franco, Ashley James
  • Editor
    Stephanie Mechura
  • Animator
    Mat Baldwin
  • Composer
    Osei Essed