Synopsis: Veronica Escobar, the first of two Latinas to represent Texas in Congress, and Natasha Harper-Madison, the only African American woman to run for city council in Austin in 2018, lead a diverse group of progressive voices across Texas as they fight decades of institutional racism and policies of discrimination along the border. The battle over immigrant rights, land seizures to build the border wall, and the troubled racial history of the state form the backdrop to a film that explores how a place once known for its reactionary politics is becoming more liberal, more diverse — and more at risk for violent conflict.
Director's Bio: Kevin Ford is a filmmaker whose directorial work includes THE BOMB, which premiered at the 2016 Tribeca Film Festival and was also featured at the 2018 Nobel Peace Prize Ceremonies. Ford also co-produced, shot and edited AMERICAN CHAOS, distributed theatrically by Sony Pictures Classics.
Film Site:
- Year2020
- Runtime96 minutes
- LanguageEnglish
- CountryUnited States
- PremiereEast Coast Premiere
- DirectorKevin Ford
- ProducerRichard Linklater, Emily Barclay Ford, Charles Horak
- Executive ProducerJames D. Stern
- CastCongresswoman Veronica Escobar, Councilwoman Natasha Harper-Madison
- CinematographerKevin Ford
- EditorZach Passero, Kevin Ford
- ComposerJoseph Cash
Synopsis: Veronica Escobar, the first of two Latinas to represent Texas in Congress, and Natasha Harper-Madison, the only African American woman to run for city council in Austin in 2018, lead a diverse group of progressive voices across Texas as they fight decades of institutional racism and policies of discrimination along the border. The battle over immigrant rights, land seizures to build the border wall, and the troubled racial history of the state form the backdrop to a film that explores how a place once known for its reactionary politics is becoming more liberal, more diverse — and more at risk for violent conflict.
Director's Bio: Kevin Ford is a filmmaker whose directorial work includes THE BOMB, which premiered at the 2016 Tribeca Film Festival and was also featured at the 2018 Nobel Peace Prize Ceremonies. Ford also co-produced, shot and edited AMERICAN CHAOS, distributed theatrically by Sony Pictures Classics.
Film Site:
- Year2020
- Runtime96 minutes
- LanguageEnglish
- CountryUnited States
- PremiereEast Coast Premiere
- DirectorKevin Ford
- ProducerRichard Linklater, Emily Barclay Ford, Charles Horak
- Executive ProducerJames D. Stern
- CastCongresswoman Veronica Escobar, Councilwoman Natasha Harper-Madison
- CinematographerKevin Ford
- EditorZach Passero, Kevin Ford
- ComposerJoseph Cash