Workers Unite Film Festival 2023

The Farmer-Labor Movement: A Minnesota Story

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The Farmer-Labor movement founded the most successful third-party in U.S. political history. Directly based on the militant organizing of the state's emerging labor and farm organizations, this progressive movement elected candidates and advanced political change in Minnesota from 1917 until it merged with the Democrats in 1944, to form the DFL, the Democratic-Farmer-Labor Party.

The documentary portrays this history through the voices of Farmer-Labor leaders and their descendants, as well as contemporary historians, union and co-op and activists. Animated segments bring the personal stories of Farmer-Labor men and women to life, while songs from the period convey the spirit of the movement.

  • Year
  • Runtime
    57 minutes
  • Language
  • Country
    United States
  • Director
    Randy Croce