In the fishing town of Grindavik, not far from Iceland’s Blue Lagoon, Bryggjan café and its eccentric owners are the heart and soul of the community. Krilli makes the famous lobster soup, while his brother Alli chats to the old fishermen, the island’s last champion boxer, and the translator of Don Quixote into Icelandic, keeping their memories and the old traditions of storytelling and song alive. But are they about to be engulfed a volcanic eruption? Or will it be global tourism that proves the greater threat? With its warm heart and off-beat humour, Lobster Soup will have you coming back for more.
“Very nutritious, deeply delicious and served whole… good-natured, existential, heroic and a little gloomy, a little elegy about the human condition and the time.” Cinephilia
Yn nhref bysgota Grindavik, nid nepell o’r Blue Lagoon yng Nghwlad yr Iâ, caffi Bryggjan a’i berchnogion ecsentrig yw calon ac enaid y gymuned. Mae Krilli yn gwneud y cawl cimwch enwog, tra bod ei frawd Alli yn sgwrsio â’r hen bysgotwyr, bocsiwr pencampwr olaf yr ynys, a chyfieithydd Don Quixote i Islandeg, gan gadw eu hatgofion a hen draddodiadau chwedleua a chân yn fyw. Ond a ydyn nhw ar fin cael eu llyncu gan ffrwydrad folcanig? Neu ai twristiaeth fyd-eang fydd yn ymddangos fel y bygythiad mwyaf? Gyda'i chalon gynnes a'i hiwmor rhyfedd, bydd Lobster Soup yn eich denu yn ôl dro ar ôl tro.
- Year2020
- Runtime95 minutes
- LanguageIcelandic
- CountryIceland
- RatingPG
- NoteSubtitled
- DirectorPepe Androu, Rafael Moles

In the fishing town of Grindavik, not far from Iceland’s Blue Lagoon, Bryggjan café and its eccentric owners are the heart and soul of the community. Krilli makes the famous lobster soup, while his brother Alli chats to the old fishermen, the island’s last champion boxer, and the translator of Don Quixote into Icelandic, keeping their memories and the old traditions of storytelling and song alive. But are they about to be engulfed a volcanic eruption? Or will it be global tourism that proves the greater threat? With its warm heart and off-beat humour, Lobster Soup will have you coming back for more.
“Very nutritious, deeply delicious and served whole… good-natured, existential, heroic and a little gloomy, a little elegy about the human condition and the time.” Cinephilia
Yn nhref bysgota Grindavik, nid nepell o’r Blue Lagoon yng Nghwlad yr Iâ, caffi Bryggjan a’i berchnogion ecsentrig yw calon ac enaid y gymuned. Mae Krilli yn gwneud y cawl cimwch enwog, tra bod ei frawd Alli yn sgwrsio â’r hen bysgotwyr, bocsiwr pencampwr olaf yr ynys, a chyfieithydd Don Quixote i Islandeg, gan gadw eu hatgofion a hen draddodiadau chwedleua a chân yn fyw. Ond a ydyn nhw ar fin cael eu llyncu gan ffrwydrad folcanig? Neu ai twristiaeth fyd-eang fydd yn ymddangos fel y bygythiad mwyaf? Gyda'i chalon gynnes a'i hiwmor rhyfedd, bydd Lobster Soup yn eich denu yn ôl dro ar ôl tro.
- Year2020
- Runtime95 minutes
- LanguageIcelandic
- CountryIceland
- RatingPG
- NoteSubtitled
- DirectorPepe Androu, Rafael Moles