From its gripping opening shot through to its fateful finale, this quietly devastating character study of one woman’s resilience in the face of injustice is powerfully performed and precisely composed. While her every move is restricted by the men around her, single mum, Mina, is determined to maintain her fragile independence. She juggles holding down a job and supporting her deaf daughter while fighting for justice. When the mysterious Reza offers to help she dares to dream that her life will be easier.
“There's an elegance to the filmmaking as this story unravels its themes of societal prejudice, justice and remorse that elevates every frame.” Eye for Film
“A story of resilience in a society that puts enormous limits on women”
Winner Best international Feature Film Zurich Film Festival 2021
Mae’r astudiaeth gymeriad dawel ysgubol hon sy’n seiliedig ar wydnwch un fenyw yn wyneb anghyfiawnder, wedi’i pherfformio’n rymus ac wedi’i gosod ynghyd yn fanwl gywir o’i saethiad agoriadol gafaelgar, hyd at ei diweddglo tyngedfennol. Tra bod pob un o’i symudiadau’n cael eu cyfyngu gan y dynion o'i chwmpas, mae’r fam sengl Mina, yn benderfynol o gynnal ei hannibyniaeth fregus. Mae hi'n jyglo gweithio a chefnogi ei merch fyddar tra'n ymladd dros gyfiawnder. Pan mae’r Reza dirgel yn cynnig helpu, mae hi'n meiddio breuddwydio y bydd ei bywyd yn haws.
Enillydd Ffilm Nodwedd Ryngwladol, Gŵyl Ffilm Zurich 2021
- Year2021
- Runtime105 minutes
- LanguageFarsi
- CountryIran, France
- RatingPG
- DirectorBehtash Sanaeeha and Maryam Moghaddam
- CastMaryam Moghaddam, Alireza Sanifar
From its gripping opening shot through to its fateful finale, this quietly devastating character study of one woman’s resilience in the face of injustice is powerfully performed and precisely composed. While her every move is restricted by the men around her, single mum, Mina, is determined to maintain her fragile independence. She juggles holding down a job and supporting her deaf daughter while fighting for justice. When the mysterious Reza offers to help she dares to dream that her life will be easier.
“There's an elegance to the filmmaking as this story unravels its themes of societal prejudice, justice and remorse that elevates every frame.” Eye for Film
“A story of resilience in a society that puts enormous limits on women”
Winner Best international Feature Film Zurich Film Festival 2021
Mae’r astudiaeth gymeriad dawel ysgubol hon sy’n seiliedig ar wydnwch un fenyw yn wyneb anghyfiawnder, wedi’i pherfformio’n rymus ac wedi’i gosod ynghyd yn fanwl gywir o’i saethiad agoriadol gafaelgar, hyd at ei diweddglo tyngedfennol. Tra bod pob un o’i symudiadau’n cael eu cyfyngu gan y dynion o'i chwmpas, mae’r fam sengl Mina, yn benderfynol o gynnal ei hannibyniaeth fregus. Mae hi'n jyglo gweithio a chefnogi ei merch fyddar tra'n ymladd dros gyfiawnder. Pan mae’r Reza dirgel yn cynnig helpu, mae hi'n meiddio breuddwydio y bydd ei bywyd yn haws.
Enillydd Ffilm Nodwedd Ryngwladol, Gŵyl Ffilm Zurich 2021
- Year2021
- Runtime105 minutes
- LanguageFarsi
- CountryIran, France
- RatingPG
- DirectorBehtash Sanaeeha and Maryam Moghaddam
- CastMaryam Moghaddam, Alireza Sanifar