Expired May 31, 2024 10:59 PM
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La Fiesta is a piece inspired by the findings of the research project “Art That Protects"" and performed by Harlequin and the Jugglers. Witnessed by 600 spectators at the renowned Pablo Tobón Uribe Theater of Medellín on May 17, 2023, this magical piece transported the audience into a realm of wonder. Among them were members of artistic-cultural organizations from vulnerable urban areas, underscoring the transformative power of art in communities affected by urban violence.

Mae La Fiesta yn ddarn a ysbrydolwyd gan ganfyddiadau’r prosiect ymchwil “Art That Protects” ac a berfformiwyd gan Harlequin and the Jugglers. Yn theatr enwog Pablo Tobón Uribe ym Medellín ar Fai 17, 2023, fe gludodd y darn hudol hwn y gynulleidfa o 600 o wylwyr i fyd o ryfeddod. Yn eu plith, roedd aelodau o sefydliadau artistig-ddiwylliannol o ardaloedd trefol agored i niwed, gan bwysleisio pŵer trawsnewidiol celf mewn cymunedau yr effeithir arnynt gan drais trefol.

  • Year
  • Runtime
    84 minutes
  • Director
    Beatriz Arias López