Expired June 6, 2020 4:55 AM
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This virtual screening is eligible to win $15K - Highlight a film to vote on it and click/vote "A" for the one you want to win! This virtual screening is eligible to win $15K - Highlight a film to vote on it and click/vote "A" for the one you want to win!
Animal • Russell Sharman • USA • 14 min. • A young boy begins to suspect something... happens to him at night. That he might turn into something wild and untamed. Until he meets a girl who might become something even more fearsome.
7 films + livestream in package
This virtual screening is eligible to win $15K - Highlight a film to vote on it and click/vote "A" for the one you want to win! This virtual screening is eligible to win $15K - Highlight a film to vote on it and click/vote "A" for the one you want to win!
Animal • Russell Sharman • USA • 14 min. • A young boy begins to suspect something... happens to him at night. That he might turn into something wild and untamed. Until he meets a girl who might become something even more fearsome.