Expired November 16, 2020 5:59 AM
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A real-life political saga, “Mayor” follows Musa Hadid, the Christian mayor of Ramallah, during his second term in office. Surrounded on all sides by Israeli settlements and soldiers, most people in Ramallah will never have the chance to travel more than a few miles outside their home, which is why Mayor Hadid is determined to make the city a beautiful and dignified place to live. His immediate goals: repave the sidewalks, attract more tourism, and plan the city’s Christmas celebrations. His ultimate mission: to end the occupation of Palestine. Rich with detailed observation and a surprising amount of humor, “Mayor” offers a portrait of dignity amid the madness and absurdity of endless occupation while posing a question: How do you run a city when you don’t have a country? Variety writes: “Mayor Musa Hadid is a celebrity of sorts in Ramallah, the de facto Palestinian capital in the central West Bank, situated just a few miles north of Jerusalem. And we get to understand why throughout the gripping and surprisingly witty ‘Mayor,’ filmmaker David Osit’s thoughtful study of a spirited man and his burgeoning city, anchored in Hadid’s everyday dilemmas.”

  • Year
  • Runtime
    89 minutes
  • Language
    English & Arabic
  • Country
  • Director
    David Osit