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7 films in package
The Ghost Rainforest
Told from the perspective of indigenous activist Narubia Werreria, ‘The Ghost Rainforest’ follows a group of five indigenous leaders and activists from the Amazon, making an emotionally charged and once in a lifetime journey to a little known and desperately rare temperate rainforest habitat in Scotland.
Aguilucho: Dance of the Harpy Eagle
When a rare Harpy Eagle nest is discovered near the Emberá tribe of Playa Muerto, the tribe finds an unlikely ally.
Living With Lions
Growing up in Kenya, the only images of conservationists Resson Kantai Duff ever saw were of those she calls “the pale and the male.” She never saw anyone who looked like herself.
The Lost Salmon
'The Lost Salmon' chronicles the plight and potential recovery of the iconic Spring-run Chinook Salmon of the Pacific Northwest.
The Letter: A Message for Our Earth
The Letter: A Message for our Earth, tells the story about the Pope’s call to care for our planet.
Seagrass For Sea Change
The shallow waters off Australia’s shores once supported vast meadows of seagrasses that can be as critical to biodiversity as any coral reef or rainforest, but have been dangerously degraded by centuries of industrialization.
Saving the Florida Wildlife Corridor
Through the voices of farmers, fishermen, ranchers and conservationists, Saving the Florida Wildlife Corridor offers a glimpse into one of America's most unique and complex conservation opportunities, and highlights the need to collaborate to ensure its survival.

Skyship Films, Be Electric Productions

In the remote Darién Gap rainforest, indigenous communities face the advance of loggers and cattle ranchers, an existential threat to their way of life and the ecosystem upon which they rely. When a rare Harpy Eagle nest is discovered near the Emberá tribe of Playa Muerto, the tribe finds an unlikely ally. By protecting their lands and the Eagle's habitat, they can benefit from the ecotourism she attracts, while re-discovering a piece of their own heritage: a traditional dance inspired by the Harpy.

Aguilucho: Dance of the Harpy Eagle is an exploration of a renewed relationship between the tribe and the great raptor through the conservation efforts of the Peregrine Fund. From the development of collaborative science and monitoring practices to the revival of an ancient Eagle Dance, it shows an inspiring model for conserving both a culture and a rainforest. The film was made in partnership with the Emberá of Playa Muerto and The Peregrine Fund, who work tirelessly in Panamá and around the world alongside various indigenous peoples to help save birds of prey from extinction.

  • Year
  • Runtime
    21 minutes
  • Language
  • Country
    Panama, Embera