Join us for an insightful Q&A session featuring H. Jame Gilmore, the talented director behind the captivating documentary "Fielding Dreams: A Celebration of Baseball Scouts." Discover the stories and inspirations that shaped this remarkable film, as we delve into the world of baseball scouting and the passion that drives it. This is a unique opportunity to engage with Gilmore and gain a deeper understanding of the art and dedication that goes into the game we love!
Join us for an insightful Q&A session featuring H. Jame Gilmore, the talented director behind the captivating documentary "Fielding Dreams: A Celebration of Baseball Scouts." Discover the stories and inspirations that shaped this remarkable film, as we delve into the world of baseball scouting and the passion that drives it. This is a unique opportunity to engage with Gilmore and gain a deeper understanding of the art and dedication that goes into the game we love!