New Jersey International Film Festival

Claire Facing North, Anima #1-4, This is a Story Without a Plan – Online for 24 Hours Only!

Expired June 8, 2024 3:59 AM
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Anima #1-4 – Vaco Diogo (Lisbon, Portugal)

Anima # 1-4 is a mash up of four different experimental animations that finish a cycle of creative work. The film explores interior sensations and emotions from intra-uterine memories to growing shadows, ghosts and chaos that emerged in a context of generalized anxiety. Instead of trying to give solutions to problems the film expands a space of mystery through screen awareness. 2024; 3 min

  • Year
  • Runtime
    3 minutes
  • Country
  • Director
    Vasco Diogo
  • Producer
    Vasco Diogo
  • Filmmaker
    Vasco Diogo
  • Sound Design
    Vasco Diogo
  • Music
    Vasco Diogo