AIFF2022 Our 21st Annual Festival

Short Narratives 2: THE WORLD (followed by TeenPress Q&As)

Expired April 11, 2022 6:59 AM
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The dust of war keeps the eyes sleepless. Night brings peace and sleep to all the people in the broken town. Only the eyes of the mother of the missing child stay resilient.

Night has to trick her into sleeping to save her soul.

Part of our Short Narratives 2: THE WORLD Program

Director: Ahmad Seleh

Director's Statement & Bio

A sea of people panicking, running in one direction. Heavy shooting behind us. With each gun’s shout, all the people would bend down while running in one synchronized move. One person appeared in between all the people.

She noticed that I noticed her, and so she walked right towards me. Her face was beaten with tiresome. She held my arms and begged with a faded voice: please tell me that she is dead. I naively asked: who is she. My question shocked her as an arm would wake a sleeping person. She felt embarrassed and walked away then started calling in a surprising loud voice: "daaaughteeeer". She kept walking and calling leaving me with a question that I couldn’t solve.

Why would a mother wish to hear that her daughter is dead? She was begging for it as cancer patient would beg for morphine. I don't know where the mother is now but I wanted with this film to tell her what she wished for, so she can finally fall asleep.

Based on actual events, translated into puppet animation.

  • Year
  • Runtime
    16 minutes
  • Language
  • Country
    Germany, Qatar, Palestine, Jordan
  • Premiere
  • Director
    Ahmad Seleh
  • Screenwriter
    Ahmad Seleh
  • Producer
    Fabian Driehorst, Jessica Neubauer, Saleh Saleh
  • Cast
    Mother: Hiam Abbass; Night: Rafia H. Oraidi; Daughter: Salma Saleh
  • Animator
    Basel Nasr, Leon Vidmar, Saleh Saleh
  • Composer
    Suad Bushnaq
  • Sound Design
    David Black, Marcus Zilz