Expired December 20, 2023 6:29 PM
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Mr. Aes Gener is a greedy mega-entrepreneur in the energy business. Through his story we get into the dirty business he has done in Chile and the world with coal, while we see, through archival footage, the damage to people and nature of this obsolete and polluting fossil fuel.

  • Year
  • Runtime
  • Language
    Spanish, English
  • Country
    Chile, United States of America, Spain
  • Premiere
    India Premiere
  • Social Media
  • Director
    Ladislao Palma
  • Screenwriter
    Ladislao Palma
  • Producer
    Cristóbal Diaz de Valdés
  • Executive Producer
    Chao Pescao
  • Co-Producer
    Chao Pescao
  • Filmmaker
    Chao Pescao
  • Cast
    Chao carbon Coalition
  • Cinematographer
    Marcela Melej, Lucas Zañartu, Raimundo Gómez, Cristóbal Díaz de Valdés, Ivan Krug, Valentina Escuti, Franco Davico , Felipe Palma, Gaspar Álvarez, Mauricio Menéndez, Manu San Félix, Ignacio Medina, Martín Guzmán, Mauricio Gonzáles, Franco Sanguinetti
  • Editor
    Z Fernández
  • Animator
    Enzo Cortavitarte
  • Sound Design
    Fernando Lira
  • Music
    Música Free use PixaBay.com Autumn Sky Meditation - NaturesEyes The Death Of A Supernova - Bandersn4tch Epic Hollywood Trailer - DaddysMusic CAPTAIN COVERLAM - Bluemount_Score Cinematic Melody (Main) - DaddysMusic Cinematic Ambient 01 - Zen_Man Canción Triste - enrique27naveda Sexy Fashion Beats (Simulate) - Coma-Media Drone - DaddysMusic