Expired December 20, 2023 6:29 PM
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The world loves the bloodcurdling narratives of Sundarban Royal Bengal tigers where they are always the vicious villains with fangs. Killing them was a heroic act. Though our wise ancestors knew that tigers are the protector of forests, people armed with guns eliminated most of them. We ended up almost losing the forest and their burning bright megafauna. In 1973, the Government of India launched Project Tiger, a tiger conservation program. Project Tiger takes up several measures to maintain the viable population of Bengal tigers in their natural environment. The forest department workforce steps in to protect the tigers and inspire people to end the tussle besides protecting themselves. The film ‘Tiger Army’ reveals the story of the real heroes, the foot soldiers, the field staff, who carry out their job even risking their own life but do not see themselves as heroic.

  • Year
  • Runtime
  • Language
  • Country
  • Premiere
    India Premiere
  • Director
    Sourav Sarangi
  • Screenwriter
    Sourav Sarangi
  • Producer
  • Executive Producer
    Ajita Nair
  • Filmmaker
    Sourav Sarangi
  • Cinematographer
    Smrti Shekhar Mandal
  • Editor
    Sourav Sarangi
  • Production Design
    Sohini Banerjee
  • Composer
    Baijayanta Ray
  • Sound Design
    Sukanta Majumdar
  • Music
    Baijayanta Ray