Expired December 20, 2023 6:29 PM
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James Lea grew up dreaming of sharks; enigmatic monsters of the deep. In his first few years as a field biologist he fell in love with silky sharks in the Red Sea, where he got to interact with them and learn their individual personalities. But, in the space of just a few years he watched as almost each and every animal he had got to know was lost to the shark fin trade. Feeling heartbroken and helpless, James resolved to use his expertise as a scientist to protect sharks in places where they still have a chance to thrive.

Older Than Trees highlights Lea’s work in the field, and the success he’s contributed to in getting protection for these ancient species through the creation of marine protected areas.

  • Year
  • Runtime
  • Language
  • Country
    South Africa, Seychelles, Switzerland
  • Premiere
    India Premiere
  • Social Media
  • Director
    Pippa Ehrlich
  • Producer
    Tasmin Vosloo
  • Executive Producer
    Craig Foster, Swati Thiyagarajan
  • Cinematographer
    Luke Saddler
  • Editor
    Bryan Little, Jackie Viviers
  • Composer
    Sven Faulconer
  • Sound Design
    Barry Donnelly
  • Music
    Song:Ocean Tree (feat. Christopher Schwarzwalder, Nu, Raz Ohara Artist: Feathered Sun Publisher: Platon Records