Expired December 20, 2023 6:29 PM
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Hidden away in a corner of Rajasthan resides an ancient tribe. A community that cherishes their customs of mythology, history and ancestral heritage tying in with their traditional lifetime occupation as shepherds. These humble, semi-nomadic people have lived in Jawai for hundreds of years, but the untold secret about this specific community is that here they share their land with leopards...

  • Year
  • Runtime
  • Language
  • Country
  • Social Media
  • Director
    Katya Ignatiev
  • Producer
    Katya Ignatiev
  • Filmmaker
    Katya Ignatiev
  • Cinematographer
    Katya Ignatiev
  • Composer
    Chinthaka Jayakody
  • Music
    Chinthaka Jayakody