In Sanctuary, directed by Min-cheol Wang, the film delves into the ethical and emotional challenges faced by those committed to animal welfare in South Korea. The story revolves around Jeong-ho Kim, the dedicated head veterinarian of Cheongju Zoo, who dreams of transforming the zoo into the nation’s first true sanctuary, where animals can live in environments that closely resemble their natural habitats.
Jeong-ho’s vision is given a new sense of urgency when Tae-kyu Choi, a passionate animal welfare activist, is hired by the zoo. Tae-kyu’s main focus is on establishing a sanctuary specifically for farm bears that have been rescued from abusive conditions. These bears, having spent their lives in small, confined cages, are in desperate need of rehabilitation and a place where they can live out their days with dignity. However, the journey toward creating this sanctuary is fraught with challenges. The nearby Chungnam Wildlife Rescue Center, which supports the idea of a sanctuary, faces its own struggles. The center’s employees, who are committed to the welfare of the animals they rescue, are often forced to make heartbreaking decisions to euthanize animals that cannot be released back into the wild. This painful reality underscores the necessity and urgency of establishing sanctuaries like the one Jeong-ho and Tae-kyu envision.
Sanctuary is a poignant exploration of the moral dilemmas and the tireless efforts of those who work to give animals a second chance at life. Through the intersecting stories of the zoo and the wildlife rescue center, the film highlights the importance of sanctuaries as places of refuge, where the line between survival and compassion is navigated with care and determination.
- Year2022
- Runtime109 minutes
- LanguageKorean
- CountrySouth Korea
- PremiereIndia Premiere
- GenreOur Fellow Earthlings
- Subtitle LanguageEnglish
- Social Media
- DirectorMin-cheol Wang
- ScreenwriterJee-hwan Ahn
- ProducerIl-kwon Kim, Hye-kyung Chung
- CinematographerGyu-won Lee, Min-cheol Wang
- EditorJee-hwan Ahn
- MusicKwang-ho Cho
In Sanctuary, directed by Min-cheol Wang, the film delves into the ethical and emotional challenges faced by those committed to animal welfare in South Korea. The story revolves around Jeong-ho Kim, the dedicated head veterinarian of Cheongju Zoo, who dreams of transforming the zoo into the nation’s first true sanctuary, where animals can live in environments that closely resemble their natural habitats.
Jeong-ho’s vision is given a new sense of urgency when Tae-kyu Choi, a passionate animal welfare activist, is hired by the zoo. Tae-kyu’s main focus is on establishing a sanctuary specifically for farm bears that have been rescued from abusive conditions. These bears, having spent their lives in small, confined cages, are in desperate need of rehabilitation and a place where they can live out their days with dignity. However, the journey toward creating this sanctuary is fraught with challenges. The nearby Chungnam Wildlife Rescue Center, which supports the idea of a sanctuary, faces its own struggles. The center’s employees, who are committed to the welfare of the animals they rescue, are often forced to make heartbreaking decisions to euthanize animals that cannot be released back into the wild. This painful reality underscores the necessity and urgency of establishing sanctuaries like the one Jeong-ho and Tae-kyu envision.
Sanctuary is a poignant exploration of the moral dilemmas and the tireless efforts of those who work to give animals a second chance at life. Through the intersecting stories of the zoo and the wildlife rescue center, the film highlights the importance of sanctuaries as places of refuge, where the line between survival and compassion is navigated with care and determination.
- Year2022
- Runtime109 minutes
- LanguageKorean
- CountrySouth Korea
- PremiereIndia Premiere
- GenreOur Fellow Earthlings
- Subtitle LanguageEnglish
- Social Media
- DirectorMin-cheol Wang
- ScreenwriterJee-hwan Ahn
- ProducerIl-kwon Kim, Hye-kyung Chung
- CinematographerGyu-won Lee, Min-cheol Wang
- EditorJee-hwan Ahn
- MusicKwang-ho Cho