2024 Arkhaios Film Festival

Saving Mes Aynak & Director Brent E. Huffman - Mes Aynak Update 2024

Expired September 9, 2024 3:59 AM
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Why the Streaming Now ?

“The ancient Buddhist city of Mes Aynak, Afghanistan is under imminent threat of destruction as mining commences (July 2024). [https://tolonews.com/afghanistan-189861].

This four day screening of an updated version of “Saving Mes Aynak” is happening to raise awareness about this incredible and priceless heritage, to celebrate the work of Afghan archaeologists who risked their lives to save their heritage, and to raise international awareness in order to stop mining from ever happening at or around the ancient city. "

Director of "Saving Mes Aynak", Brent E. Huffman will give a video update about the current situation at Mes Aynak.

  • Year
  • Runtime
    14 minutes
  • Language
  • Country
    United States