Expired November 23, 2022 7:00 AM
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1 film in package
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15 years have passed since that violent night, and Xavier’s life is now idyllic. But today, Boris is being released from prison, causing the mysterious events of that night to come rushing back to haunt Xavier. He decides to find and confront this man who was his friend in hopes of finding out the truth about that night and the nightmarish crime on which his current happiness was built. 

  • Year
  • Runtime
  • Language
  • Country
  • Director
    yann Reuzeau
  • Screenwriter
    Yann Reuzeau
  • Producer
    Sophie Vonlanthen
  • Cast
    Sophie Vonlanthen, Frederic Andrau, Morgan Perez, Noémie Daiès, Emmanuel de Sablet, Meline Reuzeau