Expired November 23, 2022 7:00 AM
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After finally getting tired of being disciplined and not feeling loved by his family, Wei-Lai decides to offer himself up for adoption to his friend Luca’s family as a form of revenge against his parents. In shock, Wei-Lai’s parents question their own parenting skills, but agree to let Wei-Lai stay over at Luca’s home for the weekend. Seeing that his first plan to get back at his parents has foiled, he escalates his plot of vengeance by painting his face white and humiliating his parents at the Chinese restaurant they work at. Eventually, after absorbing the damage he has done and how he has misunderstood his parents, Wei-Lai returns home on his own. In this heartfelt coming-of-age comedy, Wei-Lai and his parents come to terms with their identity and the way they define a loving environment on their own terms. 

  • Year
  • Runtime
  • Language
    English, Mandarin Chinese
  • Director
    Robin Wang
  • Screenwriter
    Tony G.X. Shi
  • Producer
    Andy Yi Li, Naomi Shroff-Mehta
  • Cast
    Arthur Zhang, Benjamin Widner, Zhan Wang, Eon Song, Laura Chowenhill, Chris Devlin