Expired November 27, 2023 7:00 AM
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1 film in package

Film about three Serbian male artists, Zoki (56), Boza (70) and Duh (38), who’s art has different aesthetics, who’s life paths are opposite but who are in the core of their being very similar. They found their own way to survive war, economic sanctions and Balkan madness through universal art language, not being trapped in local subjects. Zoran expresses himself through several forms, including painting, avant-garde theatre, composing music for the opera and film, directing and writing alternative movies and producing his film festival focused on films that are exploring topics related to Romani people. His artistic manifest claims that everyone can be an artist. He engages and creatively collaborates with vulnerable groups, minorities, marginalized and disabled community. In the second story, we are going deep into the soul of one of the legendary Serbian conceptual artists and radical ecologist Bozidar Boza Mandic (70). This film is different that many other films made about him, because now, for the first time, Boza is speaking about himself through other people stories that he collected during his 40 years long, hitch-hiking experience. Duh (38) is a musician, slam poet, urban guru and Serbian Don Quixote. He is a founder of secret, non-budget, music festival Bam-Bam, where the best free style dram sessions are happening. Duh is an urban nomad who lives in the van and who is in the same time, father of two kids, struggling to find balance between parenting, his inner child needs and ambition to constantly explore possibility of absolute freedom.

  • Year
  • Runtime
  • Language
  • Country
  • Director
    Gregor Zupanc
  • Screenwriter
    Gregor Zupanc
  • Producer
    Gregor Zupanc
  • Cast
    Zoran Tairović, Božidar Mandić, Siniša Marček