Banff On Demand

Watch Party: 2022-23 World Tour - Birch Program

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Available for rental in Canada and the USA | CAD$18.50

Duration: 2hrs

Available until December 31, 2025 11pm MT

This diverse selection of seven short films takes you to see Polar Bears in Northern Canada, highlining across the Lapporten Gap, and into the jungles of Brazil. Birch films have been selected from the 2022-23 World Tour programs.

Tempo II

Lil' Buddha

Nuisance Bear

Lapporten Skyline (Tour Edit)

Saving Glaciers

Sinner Fields (Tour Edit)

Fall Theory (Tour Edit)

Fall Theory follows the notorious Franco Cookson on his latest journey to climb a dangerous line where the weight of previous successes hangs heavily on his mind – that, and the laughable protection combined with moves he can’t yet do. Madman or genius? Decide for yourself with this enthralling watch; spare trousers recommended.

  • Year
  • Runtime
  • Language
  • Country
    United Kingdom
  • Director
    Alastair Lee
  • Producer
    Posing Productions, Alastair Lee