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This program include seven (7) short films! Please click through the films on the right to see details about each one.


This 2D animated cartoony short features the debut of Elliot the Adventurer and his faithful yak steed, Baroo. Elliot seeks to pull a magical sword bound to a stone - bound in such a way, that only one, the rightful King of the land, is capable of lifting the blade. Many have tried to fulfill this task, and yet many have failed.

Director's Bio:

Born and raised in the Bay Area, art has always been a significant part of Jasmine Vahidsafa's life. Part of the reason she loves animation is because it acts as a great union between science and art - it has so much comprehension of mechanics, anatomy, timing, physics - and more recently, engineering and technology - but also allows for the freedom of exaggeration, design, performance, comedy.

  • Runtime
    3 minutes
  • Country
    United States
  • Premiere
    Northwest Premiere
  • Rating
    "G" equivalent
  • Director
    Jasmine Vahidsafa
  • Producer
    Jasmine Vahidsafa
  • Animator
    Jasmine Vahidsafa
  • Music
    Marcy Nabors