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Stories about connecting with and being in nature as a matter of survival and vital artistic expression.

One with Nature - Shorts are sponsored by Neil Kelly.

Imagine you are alone, on North America's Highest Peak (Denali), trying to break The Female Fastest Known Time (FKT). You must travel 38 miles on a glacier to 20,310 feet- in less than 21 hours. How would you fare in this frigid, lifeless landscape? Where would your mind go? In her pursuit for this record near the top of the world, Patricia Franco finds herself at a cross-roads: to continue in her race for greatness, or to confront the race she didn't know she was running: the race to outrun her past. In this film, Patricia ventures deep into the unknown, physically and emotionally, to better understand her own story.

About the Director:

I make films about people, places and things. Sometimes all three at the same time. This film represents three years of passion. I have put every ounce of my being into this project, just as the protagonist put every ounce of hers into the attempt. I tore my ACL during production, produced the entire film out of pocket and have pushed this through the finish line with sheer will. I am so excited to share this passion and hope the audience will feel it from every frame.

Film Contact:

@michaelcbstevens (IG)

  • Runtime
    13 minutes
  • Language
  • Country
  • Director
    Michael CB Stevens