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"Against the Current" (2021)

The journey of Icelandic transgender Veiga Grétarsdóttir.

Veiga is the first person to paddle 2,000 kilometres around Iceland 'Against the Current'. On the edges of the Arctic Circle, it is comparable with climbing the mountain K2. In an unbelievable story of perseverance and courage, she attempts to become the first person to ever complete this journey. Her personal journey is no less remarkable, born a boy in a remote fishing village in the Westfjords of Iceland, she went to hell and back. She was a man with a wife, she had two children. The internal struggle twice led her to try to take her own life. These two stories are intertwined into one of adversity, conflicts and a hard-won resolution against the stunningly rugged background of Iceland's coastline. The story is of her transformation from a man to a woman, on a gruelling voyage which both physically and metaphorically illustrates her lifelong struggle, finally coming home in triumph as her true self. What kind of sacrifices are you ready to make to find happiness and what kind of journey are you ready to embark on to find your way home.


Zeitgest Films

  • Year
  • Runtime
  • Language
  • Country
  • Premiere
    June 25th, 2021
  • Director
    Oskar Pall Sveinsson
  • Screenwriter
    Margrét Örnólfsdóttir
  • Cast
    Veiga Grétarsdóttir