Expired August 4, 2024 7:00 PM
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This film is eligible for audience awards. The voting period has closed. Stay tuned for the results!

Suffering through the worst of the violence, and surviving to tell the tale. Memorializing the people and circumstances that brought us into our present.

Content warning: Discussion and depictions of colonial violence (Two Refusals (Would We Recognize Ourselves Unbroken?)), Discussion and graphic recreations of ethnic cleansing (Zanatany, When Soulless Shrouds Whisper)

Accessibility: Closed captions available

Thank you to our screening partner: Twelve Gates Arts

Watch the Q&A conversation with Suneil Sanzgiri, director of Two Refusals (Would We Recognize Ourselves Unbroken?) here.

Glimpses and hallucinations of solidarity and possibility through generations. A woman’s dreams become haunted by a mythological titan from Portuguese mythology that sought to prevent Vasco de Gama from ever reaching India. Questions of what could have been emerge across ends to colonial occupations in India and Africa.

Watch the Q&A conversation here.

  • Runtime
    35 minutes
  • Language
    Konkani, English
  • Country
    United States, India
  • Premiere
  • Awards
    Best Experimental Film Nominee
  • Social Media
  • Director
    Suneil Sanzgiri
  • Screenwriter
    Sham-e-Ali Nayeem
  • Producer
    Suneil Sanzgiri
  • Cast
    Tilya Fernandes
  • Cinematographer
    Krish Makhija, Bernardo Infante
  • Editor
    Suneil Sanzgiri
  • Animator
    Suneil Sanzgiri and Steve Cossman
  • Composer
    Amirtha Kidambi and Booker Stardrum
  • Sound Design
    Suneil Sanzgiri