Expired August 6, 2024 12:30 AM
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This film is eligible for audience awards. The voting period has closed. Stay tuned for the results!

Dancing, riding, skating, playing. Activated bodies generate activated communities moving through this shorts program.

Accessibility: Closed captions available

An abstract portrait of Black and Creole cowboys in Louisiana and their connection to horses, both horse and rider dancing their way to cultural preservation.

  • Runtime
    16 minutes
  • Language
    Louisiana French, English
  • Country
    United States
  • Premiere
  • Social Media
  • Director
    Drake LeBlanc
  • Producer
    Rachel Nederveld Drake LeBlanc
  • Executive Producer
    Will McGrew
  • Cast
    Shelby Thibeaux, Christopher Lewis, Albert “Boy" Mouton, Randolph "Douggie" Joseph, Brian Charles Jr.
  • Cinematographer
    Jo Vidrine
  • Composer
    Drake LeBlanc
  • Sound Design
    Jeremy Gegenheimer, Bradley Gueho, Matt Valentine