Expired March 4, 2022 6:59 AM
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7 films in package
Diiyeghanaii Taii Tr'eedaa (We Will Walk the Trail of our Ancestors)
A Gwich’in grandfather teaches his granddaughter how reciprocity is embedded in our lives. The northern lights warm the caribou; they feed and sustain us; we honor the connections. These connections bring new meaning and wishes for the next generation.
ᎤᏕᏲᏅ (What They’ve Been Taught)
Filmed on the Qualla Boundary and Cherokee Nation, ᎤᏕᏲᏅ (What They've Been Taught) explores expressions of reciprocity in the Cherokee world, brought to life through a story told by an elder and first language speaker.
SŪKŪJULA TEI (Stories of My Mother)
During a visit to her sister Amaliata, Rosa, a wise Wayuu woman, teaches Amaliata’s grandchildren the importance of reciprocity within their culture.
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Weckuwapasihtit (Those Yet to Come)
On the Eastern reaches of the occupied territory now referred to as North America, the children of Koluskap call upon ancestral teachings to guide them. Revitalizing cultural practices kept from their elders, Peskotomuhkati young people lead an intergenerational process of healing through the reclamation of athasikuwi-pisun, "tattoo medicine."
Weckuwapok (The Approaching Dawn)
WECKUWAPOK (THE APPROACHING DAWN) brings gratitude to the sun where it first looks our way. Songs and stories invite us to accept the new day and put behind us any harm done the day before.
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Ma’s House
Ma’s House was once the heart of a community. As Ma’s grandson, artist and photographer Jeremy Dennis is on a quest to restore the family home to its central role as a community gathering place for a new generation of diverse artists.
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Pili Ka Moʻo
The Fukumitsu ‘Ohana (family) of Hakipu’u are Native Hawaiian taro farmers. When a nearby corporation digs up the Fukumitsu’s familial burial ground to further their development plans, the ‘Ohana are drawn into a logistically and emotionally complex quest to preserve their ancestral land.
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On the Eastern reaches of the occupied territory now referred to as North America, the children of Koluskap call upon ancestral teachings to guide them. Revitalizing cultural practices kept from their elders, Peskotomuhkati young people lead an intergenerational process of healing through the reclamation of athasikuwi-pisun, "tattoo medicine."

  • Year
  • Runtime
    12 minutes
  • Country
  • Premiere
    North American Premiere
  • Director
    Geo Neptune, Brianna Smith
  • Producer
    Taylor Hensel, Adam Mazo, Kavita Pillay, Tracy Rector