Expired May 2, 2022 6:59 AM
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The in-person screening of this program will take place on Apr. 24 at 7pm at Northwest Film Forum.

Cadence Video Poetry Festival 2022 will be held both virtually and in-person. VIRTUAL, IN-PERSON, and HYBRID Festival Passes are available here!

This showcase stares mortality in the eye and offers a poem as effigy to life, death, and love. A contemporary investigation into sacred love kindles the intensity spread across these works. From a fantastical color-saturated portrait of the legendary poet Lorca to an uncredited photograph of domestic life in 1930s Budapest, these video poems are lessons in keeping the flame alive across cultures and time.

The Beloved yearns for her Beloved. Is he a valiant of King Solomon, or a shepherd putting his flock out to pasture? Is she one of the king's concubines, or a simple shepherdess? The Song of Songs is a 3000-year-old biblical poem from one of the Books of the Old Testament.

  • Year
  • Runtime
    33 minutes
  • Language
    French, with English subtitles
  • Country
  • Premiere
    Seattle Premiere
  • Director
    André Goldberg
  • Producer
    André Goldberg
  • Cast
    Melissa Diarra