Lose yourself in our Sound/Vision mixtape of music-themed films. The 17 eclectic shorts in this melting pot of a programme celebrate the power of rhythm and melody. With fantasy voyages and abstract feasts for the eyes, quiet films and showtunes, some operatic animals and a dose of interpretive dance, these films are proof that animation and music are perfect partners. Let us share our headphones with you – you’ll definitely find something to make a song and dance about.
Don't forget to vote for your favourite film and tune in to the CAF 2022 Awards on Sunday 10th April at 7pm BST! Voting closes at 3pm on Sunday 10th April.
Please fill out our feedback form here it really helps us plan all our events!
Ymgollwch yn ein cymysgedd Sain/Gweld o ffilmiau ar thema cerddoriaeth. Mae’r 17 ffilm fer eclectig yn y gymysgedd hon o raglen yn dathlu pŵer rhythm ac alaw. Gyda mordeithiau ffantasi a gwleddoedd haniaethol i’r llygaid, ffilmiau tawel ac alawon sioe, rhai anifeiliaid operatig a dos o ddawns ddehongliadol, mae’r ffilmiau hyn yn brawf bod animeiddio a cherddoriaeth yn bartneriaid perffaith. Gadewch i ni rannu ein clustffonau gyda chi – byddwch yn bendant yn dod o hyd i rywbeth i ganu a dawnsio yn ei gylch.
Music video for 'Craziest Things' by Babeheaven. Directed & animated by Sacha Beeley
- Year2020
- Runtime03:10
- CountryUnited Kingdom
- DirectorSacha Beeley
Lose yourself in our Sound/Vision mixtape of music-themed films. The 17 eclectic shorts in this melting pot of a programme celebrate the power of rhythm and melody. With fantasy voyages and abstract feasts for the eyes, quiet films and showtunes, some operatic animals and a dose of interpretive dance, these films are proof that animation and music are perfect partners. Let us share our headphones with you – you’ll definitely find something to make a song and dance about.
Don't forget to vote for your favourite film and tune in to the CAF 2022 Awards on Sunday 10th April at 7pm BST! Voting closes at 3pm on Sunday 10th April.
Please fill out our feedback form here it really helps us plan all our events!
Ymgollwch yn ein cymysgedd Sain/Gweld o ffilmiau ar thema cerddoriaeth. Mae’r 17 ffilm fer eclectig yn y gymysgedd hon o raglen yn dathlu pŵer rhythm ac alaw. Gyda mordeithiau ffantasi a gwleddoedd haniaethol i’r llygaid, ffilmiau tawel ac alawon sioe, rhai anifeiliaid operatig a dos o ddawns ddehongliadol, mae’r ffilmiau hyn yn brawf bod animeiddio a cherddoriaeth yn bartneriaid perffaith. Gadewch i ni rannu ein clustffonau gyda chi – byddwch yn bendant yn dod o hyd i rywbeth i ganu a dawnsio yn ei gylch.
Music video for 'Craziest Things' by Babeheaven. Directed & animated by Sacha Beeley
- Year2020
- Runtime03:10
- CountryUnited Kingdom
- DirectorSacha Beeley