Expired April 24, 2022 10:45 PM
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This virtual screening is eligible for audience awards! The voting period has closed. Stay tuned for the results!

Since the early days of Silent/Cinema, stories have been told using a mixture of visuals and music cues, captivating audiences with glances shared between characters, dramatic cuts, intimate close-ups and slapstick comedy. 

These nine hand-picked shorts are a masterclass in pure visual storytelling – none of them has any dialogue, but each one says a lot. Fall into dreamy summer memories, slip into parallel worlds, and sail away on a surreal cruise. These films will enchant and immerse you, delight and enlighten you, all without saying a word.

Don't forget to vote for your favourite film and tune in to the CAF 2022 Awards on Sunday 10th April at 7pm BST! Voting closes at 3pm on Sunday 10th April.

Please fill out our feedback form here it really helps us plan all our events!

Ers dyddiau cynnar Sinema/Tawel, adroddwyd storïau gan ddefnyddio cymysgedd o giwiau gweledol a cherddoriaeth, gan swyno cynulleidfaoedd gyda chipolwg yn cael ei rannu rhwng cymeriadau, toriadau dramatig, agosrwydd mynwesol a chomedi slapstic.

Mae’r naw ffilm fer hyn sydd wedi’u dewis â llaw yn ddosbarth meistr mewn adrodd storïau gweledol pur – nid oes gan yr un ohonynt unrhyw ddeialog, ond mae pob un yn dweud llawer. Ymollyngwch i atgofion haf breuddwydiol, llithro i fydoedd cyfochrog, a hwylio i ffwrdd ar fordaith swreal. Bydd y ffilmiau hyn yn eich cyfareddu ac yn eich trochi, yn eich swyno ac yn eich goleuo, i gyd heb ddweud gair.

Animals closed in a flat with a decomposing corpse of their owner try to survive.

In this difficult situation one of the dogs finds out that love for its owner is stronger than animal instinct

  • Year
  • Runtime
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  • Director
    Michalina Musialik