A chance to step into the vast world of His Dark Materials, and learn how the show’s many creatures were brought to life on set. Produced in Cardiff, the hit television show produced by Bad Wolf for BBC One and HBO stars Dafne Keen, Amir Wilson, James McAvoy, Ruth Wilson and Lin-Manuel Miranda and is based on the novels by Philip Pullman. After launching to 7.2 million viewers in 2019, making it the most-watched new British show on any channel in five years, the show is now gearing up for the release of season 3 later this year.
Brian Fisher and Eliot Gibbins, the show’s heads of Creature Effects, will take Cardiff Animation Festival audiences behind the scenes, showing how traditional puppetry, with a sprinkling of Dust, combined to bring daemons and armoured bears to life.
Adv 12+
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Cyfle i gamu i fyd helaeth His Dark Materials, a dysgu sut daeth creaduriaid niferus y sioe yn fyw ar y set. Wedi’i chynhyrchu yng Nghaerdydd, mae’r sioe deledu boblogaidd a gynhyrchwyd gan Bad Wolf ar gyfer BBC One a HBO yn serennu Dafne Keen, Amir Wilson, James McAvoy, Ruth Wilson a Lin-Manuel Miranda ac mae’n seiliedig ar y nofelau gan Philip Pullman. Ar ôl lansio i 7.2 miliwn o wylwyr yn 2019, gan ei gwneud y sioe Brydeinig newydd a gafodd ei gwylio fwyaf ar unrhyw sianel mewn pum mlynedd, mae'r sioe bellach yn paratoi ar gyfer rhyddhau tymor 3 yn ddiweddarach eleni.
Bydd Brian Fisher ac Eliot Gibbins, penaethiaid y sioe Creature Effects, yn mynd â chynulleidfaoedd Gŵyl Animeiddio Caerdydd y tu ôl i’r llenni, gan ddangos sut mae pypedwaith traddodiadol, gyda thaenelliad o lwch, yn cyfuno i ddod â daemoniaid ac eirth arfog yn fyw.
Recording of His Dark Materials Creature FX Masterclass.
A chance to step into the vast world of His Dark Materials, and learn how the show’s many creatures were brought to life on set. Produced in Cardiff, the hit television show produced by Bad Wolf for BBC One and HBO stars Dafne Keen, Amir Wilson, James McAvoy, Ruth Wilson and Lin-Manuel Miranda and is based on the novels by Philip Pullman. After launching to 7.2 million viewers in 2019, making it the most-watched new British show on any channel in five years, the show is now gearing up for the release of season 3 later this year.
Brian Fisher and Eliot Gibbins, the show’s heads of Creature Effects, will take Cardiff Animation Festival audiences behind the scenes, showing how traditional puppetry, with a sprinkling of Dust, combined to bring daemons and armoured bears to life.
Adv 12+
Please fill out our feedback form here it really helps us plan all our events!
Cyfle i gamu i fyd helaeth His Dark Materials, a dysgu sut daeth creaduriaid niferus y sioe yn fyw ar y set. Wedi’i chynhyrchu yng Nghaerdydd, mae’r sioe deledu boblogaidd a gynhyrchwyd gan Bad Wolf ar gyfer BBC One a HBO yn serennu Dafne Keen, Amir Wilson, James McAvoy, Ruth Wilson a Lin-Manuel Miranda ac mae’n seiliedig ar y nofelau gan Philip Pullman. Ar ôl lansio i 7.2 miliwn o wylwyr yn 2019, gan ei gwneud y sioe Brydeinig newydd a gafodd ei gwylio fwyaf ar unrhyw sianel mewn pum mlynedd, mae'r sioe bellach yn paratoi ar gyfer rhyddhau tymor 3 yn ddiweddarach eleni.
Bydd Brian Fisher ac Eliot Gibbins, penaethiaid y sioe Creature Effects, yn mynd â chynulleidfaoedd Gŵyl Animeiddio Caerdydd y tu ôl i’r llenni, gan ddangos sut mae pypedwaith traddodiadol, gyda thaenelliad o lwch, yn cyfuno i ddod â daemoniaid ac eirth arfog yn fyw.
Recording of His Dark Materials Creature FX Masterclass.