CTIAF and CAF proudly present a curated screening of family-friendly animated shorts from Wales & Africa. The screening highlights the fabulously talented artists of both nations and their skill in creating films suitable for a young audience - with hilarious comic moments, exciting action and stories inspired by real experiences, the films showcase the wide range of material that animation can explore.
Mae Gŵyl Animeiddio Ryngwladol Cape Town a Gŵyl Animeiddio Caerdydd yn falch o gyflwyno sgrinio sydd wedi’i guradu o ffilmiau byrion animeiddiedig sy’n deulu-cyfeillgar, o Gymru ac Affrica. Mae'r sgrinio yn amlygu artistiaid talentog gwych y ddwy wlad a'u sgil wrth greu ffilmiau sy'n addas ar gyfer cynulleidfa ifanc - gyda chynnwys doniol, cynhyrfus, a straeon wedi'u hysbrydoli gan brofiadau go iawn, mae'r ffilmiau'n arddangos yr ystod eang o ddeunydd y gall animeiddio ei archwilio.
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Produced by graduating students at The Animation School, this short is about an energetic puppy who makes some coffee for his lazy kitten friend in order to play with her. The caffeine kicks in and they both begin to play, but as the days go on things spiral out of control…
- Runtime04:13
- CountrySouth Africa
- DirectorAlexander Dewar, Christopher Masuabi, Moegamad Adams, Stefan van der Sandt, Thabang Chuene, Mahendrie Govender, Carike Cronje
- Sound DesignCarla van der Westhuizen
- MusicArthur Feder, Antoni Schonken
CTIAF and CAF proudly present a curated screening of family-friendly animated shorts from Wales & Africa. The screening highlights the fabulously talented artists of both nations and their skill in creating films suitable for a young audience - with hilarious comic moments, exciting action and stories inspired by real experiences, the films showcase the wide range of material that animation can explore.
Mae Gŵyl Animeiddio Ryngwladol Cape Town a Gŵyl Animeiddio Caerdydd yn falch o gyflwyno sgrinio sydd wedi’i guradu o ffilmiau byrion animeiddiedig sy’n deulu-cyfeillgar, o Gymru ac Affrica. Mae'r sgrinio yn amlygu artistiaid talentog gwych y ddwy wlad a'u sgil wrth greu ffilmiau sy'n addas ar gyfer cynulleidfa ifanc - gyda chynnwys doniol, cynhyrfus, a straeon wedi'u hysbrydoli gan brofiadau go iawn, mae'r ffilmiau'n arddangos yr ystod eang o ddeunydd y gall animeiddio ei archwilio.
Please fill out our feedback form to help support future events, thank you!
Produced by graduating students at The Animation School, this short is about an energetic puppy who makes some coffee for his lazy kitten friend in order to play with her. The caffeine kicks in and they both begin to play, but as the days go on things spiral out of control…
- Runtime04:13
- CountrySouth Africa
- DirectorAlexander Dewar, Christopher Masuabi, Moegamad Adams, Stefan van der Sandt, Thabang Chuene, Mahendrie Govender, Carike Cronje
- Sound DesignCarla van der Westhuizen
- MusicArthur Feder, Antoni Schonken