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Stitching Palestine is available to watch online from 22 June - 6 July

After viewing the film online you will also be able to watch a recording of our in-house talk by Rachel Dedman

Ticket prices

Tickets to watch the film are available on a sliding scale. You can refer to our Sliding Scale Guide to help you choose what to pay. Please note that, if affordable, a ticket price of £2 or more allows us to cover our baseline costs for hosting the film securely online. If you would like to book a free ticket, you can do so using the code 'CAMPLE-FREE' at checkout. You won’t be asked for any proof or ID.

50% of ticket proceeds for this screening will be donated to the Ghassan Abu Sittah Children's Fund

After our in-house screening at CAMPLE LINE on 21 June we were joined by special guest Rachel Dedman, who spoke about her own research into Palestinian embroidery, sharing the story of 5 different garments to expand upon the significance of the practice - as a perpetuation of cultural heritage, a living and ever-evolving archive, and a form of resistance, both historically and in the present day. Rachel is a curator, writer and art historian. She recently curated the exhibition ‘Material Power: Palestinian Embroidery’ – the first major exhibition of Palestinian embroidery in the UK for over 30 years – for Kettles Yard, Cambridge, and The Whitworth, Manchester (2023-2024). Since 2019, Rachel has also been the Jameel Curator of Contemporary Art from the Middle East at the Victoria and Albert Museum, London.

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