Available in 10d 11h 32m 27s
Available January 1, 2025 6:15 PM UTC
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Un uomo lavora in un obitorio lavando i cadaveri e preparandoli per il servizio funebre. Rifiuta di lavarsi per mantenere il suo corpo puro e lontano dalla morte, mentre si occupa della madre anziana costretta all'immobilità. Prima o poi dovrà fare i conti con i suoi incubi.

A man works in a morgue washing corpses and preparing them for the funeral service. He refuses to wash in order to keep his body pure and away from death, while caring for his elderly mother who is forced into immobility. Sooner or later she will have to come to terms with her nightmares.

  • Year
  • Runtime
  • Language
  • Country
  • Genre
    Psychological Thriller, Drama
  • Subtitle Language
  • Director
    Mustafa Çağatay Türkmen, İrem Nur Kaya
  • Screenwriter
    Mustafa Çağatay Türkmen, İrem Nur Kaya, Sude Anda Gavrilov
  • Producer
    Aylin Uslu Altınok
  • Cast
    Görkem İpek