Available in 06d 12h 10m 40s
Available December 28, 2024 6:00 PM UTC
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Un rinomato studioso di formiche viene rapito da due maldestri criminali. I due si trovano in un dilemma quando uno propone di recarsi al fast food per mangiare un panino mentre l’altro si oppone, essendo un vegetariano convinto. Mentre litigano sulla scelta del ristorante, il mirmecologo legato in cantina sogna di sfuggire alla sua prigionia umana e vivere una vita semplice come una formica.

A renowned ant scholar is kidnapped by two bumbling criminals. The two find themselves in a dilemma when one proposes to go to the fast food restaurant to eat a sandwich while the other objects, being a staunch vegetarian. As they argue over the choice of restaurant, the basement-bound myrmecologist dreams of escaping his human captivity and living a simple life as an ant.

  • Year
  • Runtime
  • Language
  • Country
  • Genre
    Comedy, Horror
  • Director
    Ajad Noor
  • Screenwriter
    Ajad Noor
  • Producer
    Ajad Noor
  • Executive Producer
    Giovanni Leone, Matteo De Sabbata
  • Co-Producer
    DIUM Dipartimento di Studi Umanistici
  • Cast
    Francesco Cevaro, Tiziano Musci, Pavel Berdon
  • Editor
    Alessia Adamo
  • Animator
    Alessia Adamo
  • Sound Design
    Giulio Ghirardini