Available in 11d 14h 08m 19s
Available January 2, 2025 8:45 PM UTC
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Carmen vive con la figlia Sharon in una modesta casa a Forcella, quartiere popolare e folkloristico del centro di Napoli. Dopo aver perso l’ennesimo concorso per via dell’esuberanza della madre, Sharon dovrà subito prepararsi per il nuovo evento internazionale “Miss Postura”. Stavolta Carmen dovrà fare i conti con una strana legge del contrappasso.

Carmen lives with her daughter Sharon in a modest house in Forcella, a popular and folkloric neighborhood in downtown Naples. After losing yet another pageant to her mother's exuberance, Sharon must immediately prepare for the new international event “Miss Posture.” This time Carmen will have to reckon with a strange law of counterpoise.

  • Year
  • Runtime
  • Language
  • Country
  • Genre
  • Director
    Luca Turco
  • Screenwriter
    Andrea Bonelli, Fabrizio Riccardi, Luca Turco
  • Producer
    Verteego Entertainment
  • Cast
    Viviana Cangiano, Sofia Piccirillo