Available in 07d 12h 02m 03s
Available December 29, 2024 6:00 PM UTC
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Attraverso il ritratto di un personaggio onesto e disorientato, il regista realizza un racconto visivamente sorprendente sulla guerra civile in Peru, fondendo con sguardo assai maturo la denuncia civile con la dimensione personale e umanista.

Through the portrait of an honest and bewildered character, the director crafts a visually stunning account of the civil war in Peru, blending civil denunciation with a personal and humanist dimension with a very mature gaze.

  • Year
  • Runtime
  • Language
  • Country
  • Genre
    Drama, Historical
  • Subtitle Language
  • Director
    Alex Fischman Cárdenas
  • Screenwriter
    Alex Fischman Cárdenas, Taki Carranza
  • Producer
    Carmen Calderón
  • Cast
    Sylvia Majo, Anibal Lozano Herrera, Amiel Cayo
  • Cinematographer
    Jesse Bronstein
  • Editor
    Feliciano Quintana
  • Production Design
    Renzo Bazan
  • Sound Design
    Feliciano Quintana, Paulo Gallo
  • Music
    Perseo Angeles, Karishma Ramírez