Available in 07d 12h 54m 16s
Available December 29, 2024 7:45 PM UTC
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Tra gli echi del suo passato, Bryan intraprende una ricerca sincera per riscrivere il suo futuro, confrontandosi con il padre per spezzare le catene del trauma generazionale e ritagliarsi la propria eredità di amore e crescita.

Amid the echoes of his past, Bryan embarks on a heartfelt quest to rewrite his future, confronting his father to break the chains of generational trauma and carve out his own legacy of love and growth.

  • Year
  • Runtime
  • Language
  • Country
    United States
  • Genre
    short, television
  • Subtitle Language
  • Director
    Nuekellar Hardy
  • Screenwriter
    Nuekellar Hardy
  • Producer
    Nuekellar Hardy, Esi Yamoah, Jordan Sims
  • Cast
    Tongayi Chirisa, Chris Butler, Jimmy Jean-Louis