Capri, Hollywood - The International Film Festival

The Invisible Woman

Expired January 2, 2025 6:00 PM
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1 film in package

Keylla vive una routine estenuante come donna delle pulizie in un centro commerciale. Si ferma alla vetrina di un negozio e fissa ogni giorno lo stesso splendido vestito. Le colleghe cercano di riportarla alla realtà, ma lei preferisce sognare una vita lussuosa e dimenticare tutti i suoi problemi per un po'.

Keylla lives an exhausting routine as a cleaning lady in a shopping mall. She stops at a store window and stares at the same gorgeous dress every day. Her colleagues try to bring her back to reality, but she prefers to dream of a luxurious life and forget all her problems for a while.

  • Year
  • Runtime
  • Language
  • Country
  • Genre
    drama, musical
  • Subtitle Language
  • Director
    R.B. Lima
  • Screenwriter
    R.B. Lima, Jamila Facury, Édson Albuquerque
  • Producer
    Raphael Aragão, Deyse Plácido
  • Cast
    Ingrid Trigueiro, Luana S. Lima