Expired October 5, 2020 6:00 AM
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This film is eligible for the 2020 Crested Butte Film Festival Audience Choice Award! (You must unlock the film to be eligible to cast your vote)


The short film A FRAGMENTED QUARANTINE DREAM will play before the feature.


A FRAGMENTED QUARANTINE DREAM offers a glimpse of a rural Colorado town during Covid-19 quarantine March 2020. This was one night in the life of my quarantine in a small town nestled in mountains when every single business was closed and the streets sat empty. This was filmed at the very beginning stages of quarantine when I had the bittersweet feeling of delight and a fantastical sense of disbelief in an empty town. 

There are two versions of this piece filmed on the same night on a full moon on Elk Avenue in Crested Butte. This is the light, magical ""feel-good"" perspective that suspends reality and the weight of the circumstances at hand. 

Part 2: Warped: Covid Time explores the shadow side of the same exact time period of the global pandemic expressing the energy of anxiety, fear, masks and business closures.

Inspired by the light of the full moon on empty streets, Collaborator/Cinematographer Trevor Main captured these improvised, spontaneous movement pieces created on site, during a very specific time and place in Crested Butte's history of the Covid-19 pandemic.

In addition to playing as a part of Narrative Shorts Program 1, A FRAGMENTED QUARANTINE DREAM will play in front of HIGH COUNTRY and OUT LOUD.

Director Bio

Filmmaker Sasha Chudacoff used the Covid-19 lockdown to tackle the damage plastics do to our planet in the best way she can: through dance. 

  • Year
  • Runtime
    2 minutes
  • Country
  • Director
    Sasha Chudacoff