Expired October 5, 2020 6:00 AM
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This film is eligible for the 2020 Crested Butte Film Festival Audience Choice Award! (You must unlock the film to be eligible to cast your vote)

Youth Film Program 2

41 minutes

The Crested Butte Film Festival’s Youth Film Program offers a great lineup of educational, artistic and inspirational films for children. We screen a variety of international films that entertain, spark curiosity and bring awareness to worlds that may otherwise go unexplored. Youth Program will not only entertain but ignite children’s imaginations and creativity.

After the program we will go BEYOND THE SCREEN: the Trailhead Children’s Museum will offer hands on activities that deepen the connection with the films they have just seen. We also collaborate with Crested Butte Community School. Our Student Screening Committee is comprised of middle and high school students who are interested in film, filmmaking, art and writing. Committee members screened more than 75 films this year and made film selections through an online rating process including written critiques. The Crested Butte Film Festival also sponsors a film that will be screened for the entire school community during the school year.

This program has been generously sponsored by The Lange Family, The Hermanson Family and Crested Butte Rotary Club.

Use the playlist on the right to view all films & descriptions in this program


A highly stylized, animated view of an afternoon at a French swimming pool, GRAND BASSIN.

Director Bios


Having always had an attraction for drawing and colours, it seemed natural to me to go after my baccalaureate to study animation cinema. Then I became interested in pre- production, especially design, illustration, in order to create a graphic axis around a story.


Born in 1993 in Arles, France. I have always been passionate about images and I started my higher studies in graphic communication. In parallel with my studies I produce paintings with the aim of exposing them or having them published. Then I went to the animation cinema where at the end of my studies I participated in the conception of the film "Grand Bassin".

Chloé PLAT

Born in 1993, in Belgium. I have always been passionate by video Editing, directing, drawing, music, theater… I did a preparatory classes for art, still split by my different passions, and I realized during this year that animation film includes all these.

I was able to reach the end of my studies by making the film "Grand Bassin"; with my team.


I'm Adele and I first studied 3D at the Estienne school in Paris. Then I learned comics and illustration for a year also in Paris before coming back to 3D. So I went to MoPA school in Arles for the last 3 years. I took part in many projects alone and as a team during my studies and Grand Bassin is the last one.

  • Year
  • Runtime
    6 minutes
  • Country
  • Rating
    The whole family (including children)
  • Director
    Héloïse COURTOIS, Victori JALABERT, Chloé PLAT, Adèle RAIGNEAU