Expired March 7, 2022 6:59 AM
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6 films in package
Soil Care is Climate Repair
Our film shows the 5 principles of soil health, and explains how soil can sequester carbon which leads to solving climate change.
The Accessible Outdoors
Exploring the importance of connection to nature for all people and the lack of access to the outdoors for people with disabilities, The Accessible Outdoors focuses on various subjects such as international disability rights activist Judy Heumann and award-winning author Richard Louv, as well as other outdoor access activists and leaders.
Dark Green
The solo expedition of adventurer Paul Rosolie into the Amazon Rainforest teaches him how to reconnect with the last remaining wilderness on earth.
The Roar of the Marañon
Through images recorded during 5 years of tours, they present in the Marañón River and its surrounding communities, the possible consequences of the construction of two mega-dams in this important connection between the Andes and the Amazon. Guided by the voices of activists and communities, the need to protect the river and all the life that circulates around it is revealed.
Skin Deep Fear
One thing Fukushima in Japan and La Hague in France have in common is the fear of nuclear power. For some, it has turned into a hellish reality, for others, an ever-present disquiet, whether conscious or unconscious. « Skin Deep Fear » is a film born of a personal shock to the author, that of the nuclear disaster in Fukushima. The event roused memories long forgotten which once resurfaced, evoked a very real question : does the fear of nuclear exist?
Filmmaker Conversation - Festival Variety Collection #4

Films Included:

  • Soil Care is Climate Repair
  • The Accessible Outdoors
  • Dark Green
  • The Roar of the Maranon
  • Skin Deep Fear
  • Virtual Recorded Q&A Session

A chorus of voices calls out from the Marañon canyon. The threat of two mega-dams would flood villages, unique forests and rock paintings yet to be studied has call out at most of thousands of people that would be displaced. Together they face the government and the Brazilian company Odebrecht, one of the most powerful and corrupt of Latin America. Communities and activist groups have come together to ensure that the Marañon river continues to flow freely. What would the consequences be of interrupting this ancient, vital connection between the Andes and the Amazon? Are the benefits offered in return worth it? A documentary that shows the struggle of a people in defense of their home and all that what represent.

  • Year
  • Runtime
    42 minutes
  • Language
    English, Spanish
  • Country
  • Premiere
  • Director
    Bruno Monteferri, Dana Bonilla
  • Screenwriter
    Bruno Monteferri
  • Producer
    Conservamos por Naturaleza, Sociedad Peruana de Derecho Ambiental, Marañón Waterkeeper