Expired February 11, 2021 8:00 AM
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Not included in All-Access Passes. Tickets are $5 (plus a transaction processing fee charged by the platform and credit processing company) for the package of shorts. All proceeds from ticket sales and donations made during checkout, net of a $1 streaming fee per ticket, will be donated to the SLO Food Bank.

For many, food is more than mere sustenance. It represents love, community, connection, family and tradition. These films explore how food plays this central role in culture and caring. This program is presented as a fundraiser for the SLO Food Bank. The net proceeds from your ticket price plus any donation will go directly to them to support their efforts.

The SLO Food Bank believes everyone has the right to nutritious food. With reliable access to wholesome food, we are all healthier, happier and more productive members of our communities. Our mission is to work with a network of community partners to alleviate hunger in San Luis Obispo County and build a stronger community. Visit www.slofoodbank.org

Everybody Eats: Addressing hunger with dignity, pay-as-you-can cafes are popping up across the world. This film tells the story of one innovative, and delicious, alternative to conventional hunger relief efforts and reveals the resiliency and compassion of community at the same time.

  • Year
  • Runtime
    4 minutes
  • Director
    Justinian Dispenza