These shorts tackle the complexity of grief, loneliness, and all of life’s transitions with grace and a touch of humor.
To accommodate evolving public health recommendations regarding COVID-19, we are adopting a hybrid virtual-and-in-person festival model for CFFS 2022. VIRTUAL, IN-PERSON, and HYBRID (virtual AND in-person) Festival Passes are available here.
⚠️ For the sake of public safety, NWFF patrons ages 5+ will be required to present proof of COVID-19 vaccination and to double-mask while in the building. Disposable masks are available at the door for those who need them. ⚠️
NWFF is adapting to evolving recommendations to protect the public from COVID-19. Read more about their policies regarding cleaning, masks, and capacity limitations here. We reserve the option to shift the festival to virtual-only on short notice.
John, unable to understand the illness that drives his grandfather between past and present states, stumbles upon an old photo album and lets the images guide his imagination as he creates illustrated interpretations of his grandpa's memories. The drawings create a tender, day-to-day memory-building exercise that deeply shapes his relationship with his grandfather.
- Year2020
- Runtime17 minutes
- LanguageNonverbal
- CountryBrazil
- NoteCW: In “Napo,” a boy grapples with his grandfather’s memory loss and eventual passing. The film ends on a hopeful note, with the boy cherishing the memories of his grandfather.
- DirectorGustavo Ribeiro
These shorts tackle the complexity of grief, loneliness, and all of life’s transitions with grace and a touch of humor.
To accommodate evolving public health recommendations regarding COVID-19, we are adopting a hybrid virtual-and-in-person festival model for CFFS 2022. VIRTUAL, IN-PERSON, and HYBRID (virtual AND in-person) Festival Passes are available here.
⚠️ For the sake of public safety, NWFF patrons ages 5+ will be required to present proof of COVID-19 vaccination and to double-mask while in the building. Disposable masks are available at the door for those who need them. ⚠️
NWFF is adapting to evolving recommendations to protect the public from COVID-19. Read more about their policies regarding cleaning, masks, and capacity limitations here. We reserve the option to shift the festival to virtual-only on short notice.
John, unable to understand the illness that drives his grandfather between past and present states, stumbles upon an old photo album and lets the images guide his imagination as he creates illustrated interpretations of his grandpa's memories. The drawings create a tender, day-to-day memory-building exercise that deeply shapes his relationship with his grandfather.
- Year2020
- Runtime17 minutes
- LanguageNonverbal
- CountryBrazil
- NoteCW: In “Napo,” a boy grapples with his grandfather’s memory loss and eventual passing. The film ends on a hopeful note, with the boy cherishing the memories of his grandfather.
- DirectorGustavo Ribeiro