Expired February 21, 2022 7:59 AM
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12 films in package
When the most beautiful brush in the jar suddenly dries out, he does everything he can to save his bristles to be able to paint again.
Determined to prove her mettle as a woman baker among men bakers, our heroine is rigorous and precise. But one mishap reminds her of the sheer pleasure of a cake made by oneself, for oneself…
Monkey Domino
While reminiscing about his life in the jungle, an ape at the zoo encounters a businessman and his daughter, and his caged life is changed forever.
Color to the Sunset Sky
For most Raindrops, there’s no greater purpose than jumping from clouds.
Trails of the Morning
Here comes a little girl who’s more of a morning person than Morning itself… and a story that offers us a tender and touching portrait of friendship.
My Name is Fear
The charming emotion "Fear" that lives in your head wants to give an interview. Maybe you can become friends! Or is there a reason to be afraid of being afraid?
Winter Sleep
The weather forecasts snow on the way, so it's high time for the bears to go into hibernation. But Ned and Mishka crave the taste of meringues, ice cream, and other yummy sweets that they think are made from snow, so they decide to make an exception to their nature.
Sockz Theatre's Orbie
In three whimsical vignettes, Sockz Theatre brings a clever little octopus to life using found-object puppetry.
A tiny dinosaur dreams she is a big, scary dinosaur. When danger strikes, she learns that it’s what’s on the inside that counts... literally.
Major Marlo Meets the Monster From Mars
The mini Martians are under siege of a myopic monster! Can Major Marlo arrive in time to help mend the mess of this mighty menace?
Wash Day
Wash Day follows a young Black girl as she spends the day washing and styling her hair.
Goodnight Spa
Goodnight Spa is a very special and unique spa. All the pillows in the world visit daily to relax in warm baths, get dry and perfumed in top-of-the-line dryers and, above all, to offload the dreams that they’ve absorbed during the night.

In this lively and vibrant mix of animated shorts, characters experience an array of joyful adventures, from waking up the sun to conducting an orchestra!

To accommodate evolving public health recommendations regarding COVID-19, we are adopting a hybrid virtual-and-in-person festival model for CFFS 2022. VIRTUAL, IN-PERSON, and HYBRID (virtual AND in-person) Festival Passes are available here.

⚠️ For the sake of public safety, NWFF patrons ages 5+ will be required to present proof of COVID-19 vaccination and to double-mask while in the building. Disposable masks are available at the door for those who need them. ⚠️

NWFF is adapting to evolving recommendations to protect the public from COVID-19. Read more about their policies regarding cleaning, masks, and capacity limitations here. We reserve the option to shift the festival to virtual-only on short notice.

Determined to prove her mettle as a woman baker among men bakers, our heroine is rigorous and precise. But one mishap reminds her of the sheer pleasure of a cake made by oneself, for oneself…

  • Year
  • Runtime
    3 minutes
  • Language
  • Country
  • Premiere
    West Coast
  • Note
    with English subtitles
  • Director
    Mitchelle Tamariz