Expired February 21, 2022 7:59 AM
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11 films in package
Kenya's Symphony
Kenya, a bold five-year old girl, is reluctantly dragged to a symphony by her mother. Through the power of the orchestra, the young girl's passion for music blossoms before her own eyes.
A featherless nightingale sings in the forest. Its lullaby can put a crying bear cub to sleep, calm fighting squirrels, and entertain its neighboring swans. But one day, the nightingale gets a cold, and can sing no more.
Duet is an animated short that explores the persistence of love, the transcendence of music, and the heartache of losing a loved one.
Gary the Duck
Gary the Duck leaves his home town for NASA, and eventually makes it to his goal: space travel. Amongst the stars, Gary discovers himself and so much more!
Sockz Theatre's Down By the Bay
A sock puppet seagull and his quirky mom perform the classic song "Down By the Bay."
Hey Cooper
All good dogs deserve a love song.
A farm of instrument animals welcomes a new member who finds a different way to fit in.
Foxes lurk in the quiet suburbs of London. Suburb is a glimpse into the mischief that these enigmatic creatures wreak on their man-made surroundings.
A starving schoolteacher reprimands voracious children at the cafeteria. Until... she surrenders to some blasting mayo-shrimp.
Closed captions available
Polar Bear Bears Boredom
The life of a polar bear who is terribly bored by other marine life is illustrated in a style adapted from traditional Japanese scroll-painting, punctuated with fun Japanese and English wordplay.
A young girl finds joy in the mundane when her love of music provides a new perspective on her daily work.

From down by the seaside to up in space, this collection of shorts will take you on a magical journey that will leave your feet tapping and heart full.

To accommodate evolving public health recommendations regarding COVID-19, we are adopting a hybrid virtual-and-in-person festival model for CFFS 2022. VIRTUAL, IN-PERSON, and HYBRID (virtual AND in-person) Festival Passes are available here.

⚠️ For the sake of public safety, NWFF patrons ages 5+ will be required to present proof of COVID-19 vaccination and to double-mask while in the building. Disposable masks are available at the door for those who need them. ⚠️

NWFF is adapting to evolving recommendations to protect the public from COVID-19. Read more about their policies regarding cleaning, masks, and capacity limitations here. We reserve the option to shift the festival to virtual-only on short notice.

A sock puppet seagull and his quirky mom perform the classic song "Down By the Bay." This song encourages audiences to create silly rhymes.

  • Year
  • Runtime
    4 minutes
  • Language
  • Country
    United States
  • Premiere
  • Director
    Christian Perry, Eric Tsuchiyama