The main character of this extraordinary multi-awarded animated feature, an alter-ego of the director himself, tries to escape the despair of losing his loved ones. He escapes to the land of memories, where time stands still and all his relatives are still alive. Here, he finds heroes from the past and artefacts from his childhood. He returns to his hometown and the times of the Polish People's Republic with all its absurdities and charms.
- Year2020
- Runtime88 minutes
- LanguagePolish
- CountryPoland
- DirectorMariusz Wilczyński
- ScreenwriterMariusz Wilczyński
- ProducerEwa Puszczyńska, Agnieszka Ścibior
The main character of this extraordinary multi-awarded animated feature, an alter-ego of the director himself, tries to escape the despair of losing his loved ones. He escapes to the land of memories, where time stands still and all his relatives are still alive. Here, he finds heroes from the past and artefacts from his childhood. He returns to his hometown and the times of the Polish People's Republic with all its absurdities and charms.
- Year2020
- Runtime88 minutes
- LanguagePolish
- CountryPoland
- DirectorMariusz Wilczyński
- ScreenwriterMariusz Wilczyński
- ProducerEwa Puszczyńska, Agnieszka Ścibior